- Declutter your life
I recently cleared out my closet (Watch video here) and not only was it therapeutic it actually made a huge difference when I am getting ready everyday. Everything is so much easier to find and the stuff I kept fit me well.
But this year don’t only declutter your closet, get rid of any relationships, friendships and situations that don’t add any value in the direction you want to take this year and life in general. Stay away from negative Nancys and Debbie downers. Surround yourself with positive energy and meaningful friendship.
- Drink more water- min a liter a day
It might sound very cliché but our bodies are 60-55% water, so this is not only good for your skin “ the glow” BUT good for your general health. I am a very poor water drinker, but this year – and I have already started doing this- I have a one liter bottle filled with room temperature water and I make sure I drink it from when I wake up 6:45am to 6pm. Even though I will drink tea/ coffee or juice at some point in the day, the bottle must be empty before 6pm. Also am having a full glass of water with every meal I have.
- Eat out Less!
I know this one is tricky especially if you are single (no spouse and kids) but it’s do able. Meal prepping is a simple way to ensure you have food you can microwave every lunch time and evening. There are several Meal prepping videos online that can help you with that. Meal prep over the weekend and have a hustle free work week.
Also learn to how to re work left over food into another meal. My favorite is egg fried rice fast, delicious, healthy
- Save some cash!
All the money you spend eating out, save that. Saving doesn’t need to be large sums of money, 5,000 every month is 60, 000/- annual. Save! Save! Save!
- Have a little me time
This one is for the mums whether stay at home or working. Every day spare 15 – 30mins. Put your phone on silent and just chill. Go through a magazine, lie down listen to some music with your face mask on and just chill, if you want to take it a step further, meditate. Am learning the latter
You cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself
Wishing you a very happy, healthy & wealthy 2018. May we all be the best version of ourselves.